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2009-10-10 09:18:34

Now, I'm a 24-year-old sophisticated young adult. Sometimes I long for the days when sex seemed like a big mystery. Not because sex now seems dirty, but because it's something that should be fun and accompanied by true love. It should be spontaneous - not something you do in order to fit in.
Frankly speaking, I do regret having had sex before marriage. What I hate is that it happened at the wrong time, with the wrong person, I should have saved my first time for someone I truly loved.
I have a few acquaintances who rushed into marriage when they were too young. They couldn't wait to have sex. I also know someone who chose to have casual sex over a serious relationship. They all regret their decisions. Believe me, having sex too early or too soon can ruin a relationship - or even your life.
be in a serious relationship 认真地恋爱
long for 渴望
true love 真爱
fit in 融入
frankly speaking 坦率地说
run into marriage 匆忙地结婚
have casual sex 滥交
regret one's decision 对某人的决定感到遗憾
ruin a relationship 毁掉一段关系
have sex before marriage 婚前就有性行为
accompany v. 伴随,伴有
acquaintance n. 熟人
ruin v. 毁坏
frankly adv. 坦率地
mystery n. 神秘
sophisticated adj. 久经世故的;复杂的
spontaneous adj. 自发的;本能的
regret vt. 后悔,惋惜
casual adj. 随便的
marriage n. 婚姻,结婚
long v. 渴望
rush v. 仓促;匆忙
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