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2009-10-09 10:52:17

Attitudes like this, said Su Lei, a professor at Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences, show that "conservative conception of virginity hasn't faded away in China."
"For some young men, in particular, male superiority remains deeply rooted in their hearts. The traditional view that a broken hymen equals unchastity still has a hold on them."
Females might be a little more laid back on this issue, but that doesn't mean they don't want their men to be virgins.
Pan Xiaoyu, 24, who is now thinking about marrying her boyfriend, said:"I would feel cheated if I am a virgin and he isn't. The best circumstances are that we truly love each other, and both of us are virgins. If one breaks the balance, the relationship may be difficult to maintain."
This view was echoed by Pan Suiming, a sex study expert at Renmin University.
"For lots of college students, marriage is still far away. Some may be unconcerned about virginity for the moment. But may be after five or ten years when they are in real society and in a serious relationship, some might change their views."
attitudes like this 像这样的态度
Academy of Social Sciences 社会科学院
conservative conception 保守观念
fade away 逐渐减弱
in particular 特别是
male superiority 男性优越感
deeply rooted in one's heart traditional view 传统看法
broken hymen 破掉的处女膜
still have a hold on sb 对某人仍然有牵制力
feel cheated 感觉被骗
break the balance 打破平衡
maintain the relationship 维持关系
echo this view 附和这种观点
be unconcerned about 不关心
be in a serious relationship 认真地恋爱
change views 改变观点
laid back 洒脱的
attitude n. 态度,看法
fade v. 褪色;逐渐消失
virginity n. 贞操
unchastity n. 不贞
hymen n. 处女膜
unconcerned adj. 不关心
virgin n. 处女
academy n. 学院,学术,学会
conception n. 概念,观念
superiority n. 优越(性),优势
equal v. 等同于
balance n. 平衡
maintain v. 维持;使继续
society n. 社会
relationship n. 关系
marriage n. 婚姻, 结婚
professor n. 教授
conservative adj. 保守的
particular adj. 特别,尤其,格外
traditional adj. 传统的
view n. 看法,观点
cheat v. 欺骗
circumstance n. 情况,条件
root v. 生根,扎根
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