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2009-10-08 17:12:23

Tu Jun is real estate dealer in Guangzhou who often rents apartments to unmarried couples. "Today, young people - even college sutents - rarely try to cover up their cohabitation. Many young couples ren apartments from my agency," said Tu.
Experts indicate that one contributing factor to this change in sexual behavior is the career-first mentality of many Chinese youth.
"Today's young people tend to marry late and therefore cannot bear the long wait for sex," said Zhou Xiaozheng, head of the Institute of Sociology at Renmin University.
On the other hand, plenty of young Chinese, such as Xiang Wei's boyfriend, still try to wait until marriage to have sex. And these people often hold their potential mate to the same standard.
Wang Zhe, a senior from Sichuan Province, said it would make hime sick if he were to discover that his girlfriend was not a virgin.
"My idol is Kaka - a famous Brazilian football player. He is proud that he was a virgin when he married Caroline Celico - a beautiful woman who's also a virgin. If I discovered that my girlfriend slept with another guy, I would feel sick," Wang said.
real estate 房地产
real estate dealer 地产商
rent apartment to sb 把公寓租给某人
unmarried couple 未婚的情侣
cover up their cohabitation 隐瞒他们的同居(关系)
contributing factor 起作用的因素
sexcual behavior 性行为
career-first mentality 事业第一的心理
marry late 晚婚
cannot bear the long wait 忍受不了长时间等待
hold sb to the same standard 要求某人有相同的标准
potential mate 可能的配偶
make sb. sick 使某人觉得恶心
football player 足球运动员
feel sick 感到恶心
indicate v. 表示;表明
mentality n. 心理状态
idol n. 偶像
Brazilian adj. 巴西的
virgin n. 处女
dealer n. 商人
apartment n. 公寓
couple n. (一)对,(一)双
cover v. 掩饰,隐匿
agency n. 代理,代理处
expert n. 专家
sexual adj. 性的,性别的
youth n. 年轻人,年轻
institute n. 学会,学院,协会
sociology  n. 社会学
marrage n. 婚姻,结婚
cohabitation n. 同居
unmarried adj. 未婚的
factor n. 因素
potential adj. 潜在的,可能的
senior n. 大四学生
province n. 省
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