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2009-10-08 14:20:43

Xiang Wei, a sophomore at a university in Guangzhou, will never forget the night last year when her then-boy-friend slapped her in the face.
"We were watching a movie with some sex scenes. He asked me whether I had had sex before. I confessed that I had. Then he slapped me. And then he dumped me because I wasn't a virgin," Xiang said.
While today's young Chinese are more open about sex than those of past generations, surveys suggest that many still place value on virginity.
According to the 2007 Guangdong Sex Report released last week by the Guangdong Sexology Association, 62.4 percent of female college students surveyed regret cohabiting with their boyfriend. And 53.4 percent of male students say they would only marry a virgin.
Nonetheless, it seems to be difficult to keep chastity in a world where cohabitation and premarital sex are increasingly common.
benefits of ... 作……的益处
then-boy-friend 那时的男朋友
slap sb in the face 打了某人一巴掌
sex scene 性爱镜头
dump sb (恋爱中)甩了某人
be open about sex 对性(的态度)开放
past generation 上一代人
place value on virginity 看重贞操
release the report 公布报告
female college student 女性大学生
regret (once) cohabiting with sb 对曾经与人同居感到遗憾
only marry a virgin 只会和处女结婚
keep chastity 保持贞操
premarital sex 婚前性行为
be increasingly common 变得越来越普遍
virginity n. 贞操
sexology n. 性学
chastity n. 纯洁,贞节
nonetheless adv. 尽管如此,然而
slap v. 掴,拍
virgin n. 处女
survey n. 调查,民意测验
association n. 协会,社团
female adj. 女(性)的
regret vt. 后悔,惋惜
value n. 价值
sophomore n. 大二学生
scene n. 镜头(电影、电视中的)
confess v. 承认;坦白
generation n. 一代,一代人
release v. 发布,公布
cohatbit v. 同居
cohabitation n. 同居
premarital adj. 婚前的
increasingly adv. 日益,越来越多地
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