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2009-10-05 15:25:13

Food price hikes across the world mean China is not alone.
At the US, Japan and European countries commit to relying more heavily on biofuel, farmers everywhere in the world are rushing to grow maize, palm oil and oil seed rape.
While this may lower carbon emissions and improve energy security, it is affecting food prices.
In the US, land previously farmed for human or animal food has been converted for ethanol production. And because America grows most of the world's maize, in the last 10 months its price has doubled while the cost of wheat has risen about 50 percent.
say goodbye to ... 和……说再见
low food prices 低廉的粮食价格
food price hike 粮食价格的上涨
European country 欧洲国家
commit to 致力于
rely more heavily on 更加依赖
rush to do sth 急于做某事
palm oil 棕榈油
oil seed rape 油菜籽
lower carbon emissions 降低碳的排放
improve energy security 提高能源安全
affect food price 影响粮食价格
farm land 种田
be converted for ... 转换成
price has doubled 价格已经翻倍
rise 50 percent 上涨了50%
carbon n. 碳
hike n. (数量的)增加;(物价等的)上涨
European adj. 欧洲的
biofuel n. 生物燃料
maize n. 玉米
lower v. 降低
energy n. 能源
ethanol n. 乙醇,酒精
rush v. 匆促行事
improve v. 提高,改善
security n. 安全
previously adv. 以前(预先)
wheat n. 小麦
commit v. 使承担义务;使作出保证(~to)
emission n. 排放
affect v. 影响
farm v. 耕作,种田
convert v. 使转变
production n. 生产
double v. 增加一倍
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