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2009-10-06 10:59:54

The era of cheap food is over, says Mark Hill, food partner at the business advisory firm Deloitte. World commodity prices of sugar, milk and cocoa have all surged.
"Meat, too, will cost more because chicken and pigs are fed largely on grain," says Hill. "And anyone growing grains will be better off."
Some ecological and social factors are also gatherning force. The global population is rising by 87 million people a year. Developing countries such as China and India are switching to meat-based diets which need more land. It takes 7kg of grain to produce 1kg of beef, and increased demand will require huge amounts of grain-growing land.
And climate change is leading to more intense rains and flooding as well as long droughts, hitting food production hard.
the era of ... is over ……的时代已经结束
business advisory firm 商业顾问公司
commodity price 日用品价格
feed pigs on grain 用谷物喂猪
better off 经济状况良好的,富裕的
ecological factor 生态因素
gather force 积聚能量
global pupulation 全球人口
rise by ... 上升……
developing country 发展中国家
switch to 转向
meat-based diet 以肉食为基础的饮食
increased demand 增加了的需求
climate change 气候变化
lead to 导致
intense rains and flooding 强烈的降雨和洪水
long drought 长时间的干旱
hit food production hard 严重打击了粮食生产
era n. 时代,年代;纪元
intense adj. 强烈的,剧烈的
demand n. 需求
ecological adj. 生态的
grain n. 谷物,谷类
million num. 百万
partner n. 合作者,搭档
advisory adj. 咨询的,顾问的
commodity n. 日用品
sugar n. 糖
chicken n. 鸡肉,鸡
feed v. 喂养
social adj. 社会的
gather adj. 聚集,收集
global adj. 全球的
switch v. 转换,转变
diet n. 饮食
beef n. 牛肉
climate n. 气候
drought n. 干旱
business n. 商业
population n. 人口;全体居民
factor n. 因素
production n. 生产
surge v. (价格)飞涨、猛涨
hit v. 打击
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