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2009-10-05 10:52:54

Meanwhile, students themselves are looking for ways to make ends meet. Rather than eating in a canteen, Wei Lisha, a Nankai University student, prefers to cook for herself.
Wei and her room mates bought electric stoves this semester. They usually make hotpot by putting vegetables, meat and noodles in boiling water. Two or three students will share this kind of lunc or dinner. "A nutritious meal costs us 3-4 yuan each, which is less than a standard canteen meal," Wei said.
Experts say that university canteen costs are determined by many factors, such as labor, power, water and so on.
Wang Xuming, a Ministry of Education spokesman, said on Monday that "local governments should give universities a special price for water and electricity to keep costs down."
local government 当地政府
look for ways 寻找方法
make ends meet 满足生活所需
prefer to 偏爱
room mate 室友
electric stove 电炉
boiling water 沸水
standard canteen meal 标准的食堂餐
be determined by many factors 由很多因素决定
keep costs down 保持成本低廉
hotpot n. 火锅
nutritious adj. 有营养的
vegetable n. 蔬菜
government n. 政府
local adj. 当地的
canteen n. 食堂
education n. 教育
meanwhile adv. 与此同时
electric adj. 电的
stove n. 炉子
noodle n. 面条
spokesman n. 发言人
standard n. 标准
expert n. 专家
electricity n. 电
ministry n. (政府的)部
semester n. 半学年;一学期
determine v. 决定,取决
factor n. 因素
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