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2009-10-04 19:52:40

In September, 20-year-old Zhang Yang's monthly budget went from 600 to 700 yuan. The extra 100 yuan was supposed to help keep Zhang's belly full, according to his parents.
"I spend about 1 yuan more per meal," the Nankai University sophomore said. At the Binhai Campus in Tianjin, the cost of a portion of vegetables has gone up 0.5 yuan, while meat's up 1 yuan on average.
This July, China's consumer price index (CPI) was at 5.6 percent, the highest in a decade, the government figures show. (CPI calculates price changes in food and services during one year.) The increase was led by the pork price hike, which was in turn triggered by the growing cost of grain aroud the globe.
get help with the bill 在账单上得到帮助
monthly budget 每月预算
keep one's belly full 使某人吃饱
go up 上涨
a portion of vegetable 一份蔬菜
on average 平均
consumer price index 消费者物价指数
government figure 政府数据
calculate price changes 计算物价变化
pork price hike 猪肉价格上涨
in turn 依次,轮流
trigger the price hike 引发物价上涨
around the globe 遍及全球
decade n. 十年,十年期
protion n. 一部分;一份
belly n. 腹部,胃
hike n. (数量的)增加;(物价等的)上涨
monthly adj. 每月的
vegetable n. 蔬菜
average n. 平均,平均数
index n. 指数
government n. 政府
pork n. 猪肉
trigger v. 触发,引起
grain n. 谷物,谷类
consumer n. 消费者
figure n. 数字
budget n. 预算
extra adj. 额外的
sophomore n. 大二学生
campus n. 校园
calculate v. 计算
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