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2009-10-03 21:39:14

“I kown it's cramped here, but there is no way I could affford to rent an apartment," says Tanaka, whose other options include capsule hotels, all-night saunas and fast-food restaurants.
According to recent government survey of these "Net cafe refugees", 5,400 people in Japan spend at least half the week living in Internet cafes. About a quarter of them are in their 20s.
They are members of a new underclass - the Neet generation (not in employment, education or training). They are people with few or no skills or qualifications, making a living through badly paid part-time jobs.
Neets are the product of public expenditure cuts that began six years ago under the then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizum. This widened the income gap, with young people the biggest losers. Now abround 26 percent of 25-to-34-year-olds don't have a regular job.
There is no way to ... 没有办法……
rent an apartment 租一间公寓
capsule hotel 胶囊旅馆
all-night sauna 通宵营业的桑拿店
fast food 快餐
a recent government survey 最近一项政府调查
Net cafe refugee 网吧难民
the NEET generation 啃老族
with no skills 没有技能
make a living 谋生
badly paid 收入很差的
part-time job 兼职工作
be the product of ... 是……的产物
public expenditure cuts 公共开支的削减
the then Prime Minister 当时的首相
widen the income gap 扩大了收入差距
biggest loser 最大的失败者
have a regular/stable job 有一份稳定的工作
part-time adj. 兼职
regular adj. 规则的; 固定的
widen v. 加宽的;固定的
widen v. 加宽,扩大
underclass n. 下层阶级
cramped adj. 狭窄的
option n. 选择
afford v. 买得起,负担得起
apartment n. 公寓
capsule n. 胶囊,瓶帽,太空舱
government n. 政府
education n. 教育
training n. 培训
skill n. 技能, 技巧
qualification n. 资格,条件
product n. 产品
survey n. 调查,民意测验
expenditure n. 支出,消耗
gap n. 差距
refugee n. 难民
Internet n. 互联网
sauna n. 桑拿
generation n. 一代,一代人
employment n. 就业,雇用
cut n. 削减
income n. 收入
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