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2009-10-03 18:09:40

A Net cafe where you sit in a cozy chair, chat online and play World of Warcraft? cool. A Manga longe where you can pick your favorite books? Fancy. But for a new underclass in Japan, there's nothing coll or fancy about it.
A growing number of Japanese workers can no longer afford homes of their own. Instead of sleeping on the streets, they spend the night in Internet cafes.
Eddie Tanaka works on a Tokyo building site. After a long day's work, he goes to Manga Square, a 24-hour Internet cafe in Tokyo. There he sleeps in an old fake-leather chair in a stuffy booth not much bigger than a toilet cubicle.
Like many others, this Internet cafe is open 24 hours a day.
Net/Internet cafe 网吧
sit in a cozy chair 坐在舒适的椅子上
chat online 网上聊天
manga lounge 漫画休息室
a growing number of people 越来越多的人
can no longer 再也不能
afford homes of one's own 住得起自己的房子
sleep on the streets 睡在大街上
building/construction site 建筑工地
a long day's work 一天漫长的工作
a 24-hour Internet cafe 24小时营业的网吧
a stuffy booth 空气污浊的小隔间
toilet cubicle 厕所的隔间
cozy adj. 舒适的,安逸的
manga n. 日本漫画
underclass n. 下层阶级
stuffy adj. 闷热的,不通气的
booth n. 小隔间
cubicle n. 小隔间
online adj. <计>在线的
lounge n.(旅馆等的)休息室
afford v. 买得起,负担得起
Tokyo n. 东京
fake adj. 假的
leather n. 皮革
toilet n. 厕所
Internet n. 互联网
fancy adj. 别致的,花俏的
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