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2009-10-01 08:35:02

The rabbit's popularity has even given its creator business opportunities. One company approached Wang about exploring the potential Tuzki market. Now, there are Tuzki T-shirts, notebooks, postcards and posters. Wang is even thinking about publishing a book.
She says many people assume that she's rich, but, right now, she's only earning money from selling Tuki T-shirt on and cartoon contributions to magazinines. "It's only a start; there're lots of things to do," Wang said.
She confessed that if not for the Internet and a country with the world's largest number of QQ and MSN users, Tuzki wouldn't be so popular. Almost overnight, Tuzki replaced Onion Brain (yangcongtou), and became the top MSN and QQ cartoon. Could Tuzki disappear just as quickly?
"It's true that the Internet has been flooded with so many cartoon characters, but I'm sure Tuzki will remain popular as long as I'm creative," Wang said.
business opportunity 商业机遇
explore potential market 开拓潜在的市场
publish a book 出版一本书
the contributions to magazines 给杂志社的供稿
it's only a start 这只是一个起点
if not for ... 如果不是……
alomost overnight 几乎一夜之间
onion brain 洋葱头
cartoon character 卡通人物
as long as 只要
assume v. 假定;以为
confess v. 承认;坦白
overnight adv. 一夜之间,突然
potential adj. 潜在的
character n. 人物
approach v. 靠近,接近
poster n. 海报
publish v. 出版
contribution n. 供稿
replace v. 取代,替换
oninon n. 洋葱
flood v. 淹没,涌入
creative adj. 创造性的,有创造力的
creator n. 创造者
Internet n. 互联网
popularity n. 流行;大众化
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
explorer v. 探索
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