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2009-10-01 16:24:19

American rock star, Prince, gave away copies of his new album Planet Earth for free over the Internet and inside a Sunday newspaper in the UK during the summer. He is now performing to sell-out crowds at 21 London concerts.
Where once artists performed in order to sell their records, now some give away records so people watch them perform. In a new world of music sharing websites such as MySpace, and countless downloading forums, the music industry is changing.
"Instead of flyering for shows, bands post bulletins on MySpace. It's just a more efficient way of getting the same reaction," say Eric Bowley of The Scene Aesthetic, a Washington-based band, about the publicity created through MySpace.
New York Dolls guitarist Sylvain Sylvain, who played at last week's Beijing Pop Festival, says things were very different when the band was looking for their first record deal in 1971. It took them two years to get signed up. With no Internet or MySpace, Sylvain used to run around New York City putting up posters about their concerts.
"We would cover the whole East Village district," he remembers. It was different from uploading music to a computer. "It was like something from the street - it had that kind of mysterious danger in the air." he says.
rock star 摇滚明星
give away ... for free 免费分发……
United Kingdom 英国(UK)
sell out 票已售完
sell records 卖唱片
music sharing website 分享音乐的网站
countless downloading forums 无数的下载论坛
flyer for shows 为表演分发传单
post bulletin 贴公告
get the same reaction 得到同样的反应
Beijing Pop Festival 北京流行音乐节
record deal 唱片合约
get signed up 签约
put up poster 张贴海报
upload music to a computer 把音乐上传到电脑
artist n. 艺术家
band n. 乐队
mysterious adj. 神秘的,难以理解的
album n. (音乐)专辑
record n. 唱片
flyer v. 发(广告)传单
guitarist n. 吉他手
deal n. 交易
website n. 网站
poster n. 海报
perform v. 表演
countless adj. 无数的
forum n. 讨论会,论坛
industry n. 工业,产业
bulletin n. 告示,公告,公报
efficient adj. 效率高的
aesthetic adj. 美学的,审美的,有美感的
publicity n. 宣传的,公开
cover v. 覆盖,公开
cover v. 覆盖,包含
distric n. 区域,管区
Internet n. 互联网
download v. 下载
upload v. 上传
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