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2009-09-30 11:14:09

However, never in Wang's wildest dreams did she think such an "ordinary-looking" and "common" rabbit could be so popular.
One day, Wang discovered that over 10,000 people had visited her blog on single day. Many of the visitors claimed to be "fans of Tuzki".
"I have no idea how these people got to know Tuzki. I guess some friends found Tuzki interesting and posted him on their own blogs and pretty soon even more people discovered him," Wang said.
However, it wasn't until January after Wang created Tuzki's many expressions that the rabbit grew into an Internet sensation. There is a self-satisfied Tuzki waving his two long, slim arms; a Tuzki saying "happy birthday" with two candles lit on his long ears; a hot tuzki kissing a female rabbit.
"He's such a memorable rabbit. You can't forget him after you first see him," said Rong Xiaoling, a 22-year-old university student. Rong visited Tuzki's official website everyday, hoping to download new Tuzkis.
ordinary-looking 长相平凡的
visit one's blog 访问某人的博客
on a single day 在短短一天以内
get to know 得知
create many expressions 创造了很多表情
Internet sensation 互联网的轰动
self-satisfied 自鸣得意的
wave one's arms 挥舞胳膊
official website 官方网站
memorable adj. 难忘的,值得怀念的
website n. 网站
expression n. 表情
sensation n. 轰动
slim adj. 苗条的,纤细的
candle n. 蜡烛
official adj. 官方的,正式的
blog n. 博客
discover v. 发现
single adj. 单单的,单一的
Internet n. 互联网
wave v. 挥手,挥手示意
female adj. 雌的,女(性)的
download v. 下载
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