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2009-09-29 14:11:53

In only a few months, Wang Momo's cartoon creation Tuzki the Rabbit seems to have made a lot of friends. It is estimated that half of all QQ users - 70 million people - know about the cute little rabbit who always narrows his eyes.
"I never dreamed he'd be so popular," said wang, 21, a third-year cartoon major at Communication University of China.
Wang's creation took off after she made 47 Tuzki icons showing various emotions, from happiness and sadness to anger, jealousy and so on. Now these Tuzkis are frequently used to express netizens' emotions when they're chatting on MSN, QQ or BBS.
All this fame comes for a rabbit that, at first, just lived inside Wang's blog, personifying its creator. For intstance, Tuzki went to the dentist, ate instant noodles, and watched horror movies alone at midnight - just like Wang.
"Many people said I looked like a rabbit when they met me the first time," Wang said, explaining about how she came up with the idea of Tuzki the rabbit. At first, the rabbit represented Wang herself. Over time, however, Tuzki gradually developed his own character.
"He's a rabbit with a loving heart that's easily discouraged by reality. He likes to complain, but he can always enjoy himself," she said.
cartoon rabbit 卡通兔子
create QQ appeal 创造了QQ的吸引力
It is estimated ... 据估计……
cute little rabbit 可爱的小兔子
narrow eyes 眯起眼睛
take off 起飞
show various emotions 显示各种表情
be frequently used 被频繁使用
express netizen's emotions 表达网民的情绪
chat on MSN 在MSN聊天
at first 一开始
personify the creator 展现创造者的个人风格
for instance / example 举例
go to dentist 看牙医
instant noodle 方便面
watch horror movie alone 一个看恐怖电影
at midnight 在半夜
come up with the idea 想到这个主意
over time 随着时间的推移
develop one's own character 发展了自己的性格
a loving heart 一颗爱心
be discouraged by reality 被现实打击
discourage v. 使泄气,使灰心
emotion n. 情感,感情
horror n. 恐怖
major n. 专业;(大学专业的)主修学生
various adj. 各种各样的,不同的
cute adj. 可爱的,讨人喜欢的
icon n. 图标
jealousy n. 妒忌,猜忌
personify v. 赋与……以人性
communication n. 传播,传媒
cartoon n. 卡通
rabbit n. 兔子
creation n. 创造,创作物
estimate vt. 估计
million num. 百万
happiness n. 幸福,欢乐
sadness n. 悲哀
anger n. 生气, 怒
fame n. 名声
dentist n. 牙科医生
noodle n. 面条
midnight n. 午夜
explain v. 解释,说明
represent v. 代表
gradually adv. 逐渐地
character n. 个性
reality n. 现实
complain v. 抱怨
blog n. 博客
frequently adv. 频繁地,经常地
netizen n. 网民
creator n. 创造者
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