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2009-09-27 09:00:47

2) Dno't throw them away !
When you buy a bottled drink, did you know that the plastic bottle is worth 0.12 yuan? Intstead of throwing them away, sell them for recycling. Li Yng, a second year student at Nankai University, collects bottles with her three roommates. Over the summer they collected about 70 bottles a day on average and put the money towards "dorm fees" such as electricity.
3) Don't buy bottled water!
Instead of buying bottled water, fill your own bottle with boiled water. This saves your money and saves on plastic that needs bto be made or recycled (using predicious energy).
4) Less meat pleas.
Eating less meat means becoming more "environmentally friendly". Eating less meat means spending less on food and reducing the need for fertilizer and the amount of animal manure and mathane produced.
According to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization, reading animals generates about 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.
throw away 扔掉
bottked drink 瓶装饮料
plastic bottle 瓶装饮料
plastic bottle 塑料瓶
instead of ... 而不是,代替
room mate 室友
on average 平均
dorm fee 宿舍费用
boiled water 开水
precious energy 珍贵的能源
environmentally friendly 环保的(对环境有益的)
reduce the need for ... 减少对……的需求
animal manure 动物粪便
United Nations 联合国
rear animal 饲养动物
greenhouse gas emissions 温室气体排放
dorm n. 宿舍
fertilizer n. 肥料
emission n. 排放
manure n. 粪肥
methane n. 甲烷,沼气
agriculture n. 农业
greenhouse n. 温室
recycle v. 使再循环,再利用
plastic adj 塑料的
electricity n. 电流,电
fee n. 费用
collect v. 收集
boiled adj. 煮熟
organization n. 机构,组织
global adj. 全球的
recycling n. (资源、垃圾)回收利用
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