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2009-09-26 14:50:42

Earlier this year China overtook the US as the world's leading emitter of carbon dioxide, the most damaging greenhouse gas. A surge in demand for energy has led the government to take energy-saving measures such as last month's "No Cars Day".
But we can all save energy in our daily lives, reducing our demand on Earth's resources and on the cash in our wallets.
Luckily there are several measures that enable us to do both at the same time.
1) Turn them off completely!
Turn off the TV and other electric appliances completely, rather than using the "stand by" function. TVs on "stand by" use 70 percent of the power they use when they are fully on. Turning off these items can reduce your electricity fee by 10 percent.
Turn your computer off or put it on "sleep" mode when you're not using it.
Use energy-saving light bulbs. They cost more but will save you money on electricity. Each one saves up to 4,000 yuan over a lifetime.
carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
cut down on energy cost 减少能源花费
overtake the US 超越美国
world's leading emitter 世界头号排放国
greenhouse gas 温室气体
a surge in demand for ... 对……需求的急速增长
lead ... to do sth. 引导……做某事
take energy-saving measures 采取节约能源的措施
No Cars Day 无车日
daily lives 日常生活
reduce demand 减少需求
enable sb to do sth 使某人有能力做某事
turn off power completely 完全切断电源
electric appliance 电器
stand by 待机
TV on "stand by" 处于待机状态的电视
electricity fee 电费
computer on "sleep" mode 处于休眠状态的电脑
energy-saving light bulb  节能灯泡
over a lifetime 一生
function n. 功能
mode n. 方式;模式
resource n. 资源
greenhouse n. 温室
energy n. 能源
overtake v. 赶上,超过
cash n. 现金
enable v. 是能够
completely adv. 完全地
electric adj. 电的
electricity n. 电流,电
appliance n. 设备
fee n. 费用
bulb n. 电灯泡
lifetime n. 一生,终身
carbon n. 碳
dioxide n. 二氧化物
surge n. 激增
measure n. 方法,措施
demand n. 需求
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