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2009-09-26 10:30:14

In fact, Renda's volunteer association is not the first one to come up with the idea. Supermarkets such as Dia, Metro and furniture chain store Ikea charge 0.1 yuan for a plastic bag, depending on the size. Carrefour offers a 3-yuan clothing bag to customers.
"The situation is different on campus. Outside, people can choose not to go to supermarket if they don't agree with the policy. However, if all the supermarkets charge money for plastic bags on campus, students have no choice," said Li Mingkui, deputy director of the university's logistc department.
"It's important to know where the money goes if students pay the money. Does it go to profits, or an environmental protection fund?"
volunteer association 志愿者协会
chain store 连锁店
depend on 取决于
clothing bag 布袋
a different situation 不同的局面
agree with the policy 赞同这项政策
deputy director 副主任
logistic department 后勤部
money goes to profits 钱流向了利润
environmental protection fund 环保基金
profit n. 利润
protection n. 保护
charge v. 收费
fund n. 基金资金
supermarket n. 超市
choice n. 选择
plastic adj. 塑料的
volunteer n. 志愿者
association n. 协会,社团
department n. 部,部门,系
furniture n 家具
situation n. 形势
campus n. 校园
environmental adj. 环境
chain n. 连锁
customer n. 顾客
policy n. 政策
deputy adj. 副的
director n. 主任,主管
logistic adj. 后勤的
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