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2009-09-25 06:54:04

The result is predictable. Aprevious survey by the volunteer association shows the same thing. Of the 876 students interviewed, more than 60 percent said "No" to the proposal.
"It is the supermarkets who provide plastic bags. Why don't they offer more environmentally friendly bags such as canvas bag? It's unfair to transfer the environmental cost on to us the consumers." said Li Yuequan, a journalism major.
But the supermarkets also have their own concerns. "Plastic bags have always been free. I'm afraid charging money will lose consumers," said Mr Huo, manager of a supermarket in Renda's eastern district.
It is estimated that the monthly bugdet for plastic bags ranges from 2,000 to 4,000 yuan in a supermarket on Renda campus.
"Some students even ask for a plastic bag when they buy a cup of yoghurt," said a shopping assistant surnamed Wang at Huo's supermarket. "If fewer students ask for plastic bags, things will be much easier.
plastic bag 塑料袋
charge money for ... 对……征收费用
volunteer association 志愿者协会
predictable result 可以预料到的结果
a previous survey 先前的一项调查
say "No" to ... 对……说“不”
canvas bag 帆布袋
transfer the cost on to consumers 把成本转嫁给消费者
a journalism major 一个新闻专业的学生
have concerns 有忧虑
lose consumers 失去顾客
it is estmated 据估计
monthly budget 每月的预算
range from ... to .. 在……到……范围内
shopping assistant 售货员
environmentally friendly 环保的(对环境有益的)
charge v. 收费
journalism n. 新闻学
yoghurt n. 酸奶
supermarket n. 超市
manager n. 经理,主管
consumer n. 消费者
plastic adj. 塑料的
volunteer n. 志愿者
association n. 协会,社团
proposal n. 提议,倡议
survey n. 调查,民意测验
interview v. 接见,面谈
provide v. 提供
canvas n. 粗帆布
transfer v. 转移
concern n. 忧虑
district n. 区域,管区
estimate vt. 估计
monthly adj. 每月的
budget n. 预算
range v. (在一定范围内)变动,变化
campus n. 校园
predictable adj. 可预见的
previous adj. 先前的,以前的
major n. (大学专业的)主修学生
environmental adj. 环境的
surname v. 用姓称呼
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