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2009-09-24 07:01:10

The three-hour public hearing on charging money for plastic bag in supermarkets resulted in nothing last Wednesday at Renmin University.
The public hearing was organized by the volunteer association of the Environment Department, which came up with the proposal.
"We were planning to reduce the usage of plastic bags on campus through charging 0.1 yuan for each plastic bag," explained Li Kai, president of the association.
Student representatives, school authorities, environmental protection NGOs and supermarkets representatives, were present at the public hearing.
However, the majority of student representatives opposed the plan, although some of them agreed to reward students who bring their own bags.
"It doesn't mean that we don't care about the environment. The fact is, as consumers, we care about money," said a graduate student representative, who gives his name as Li.
a raging debate 一场激烈的争议
plastic bag 限塑令
public hearing 公众听证会
charge money for ... 对……征收费用
result in 导致
volunteer association 志愿者协会
come up with the proposal 提出倡议
reduce the usage of ... 减少……的使用
student representative 学生代表
environment protection 环境保护
non-governmental organization 非政府组织
oppose the plan 反对计划
care about 在乎,在意
graduate student 研究生
oppose v. 反对
reward v. 奖励
usage n. 使用(of)
charge v. 收费
supermarket n. 超市
consumer n. 消费者
environment n. 环境
plastic adj. 塑料的
public adj. 公众的
organize v. 组织
volunteer n. 志愿者
association n. 协会,社团
department n. 部,部门,系
proposal n. 提议,倡议
explain v. 解释,说明
authority n. 权力,权威,当局
present adj. 出席的,在场的
majority n. 多数,大多数
hearing n. 听证会
campus n. 校园
representative n. 代表
environmental adj. 环境的
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