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2009-09-23 15:33:26

In fact, the production and shipping of bottled water consumes a log of fossil fuel. The cost of producing bottled water is some 10,000 times more than tap water.
With this in mind, the government should put more money into ensuring that tap water is safe and available to all residents, whether in urban centers or rural areas.
In addition to drinking less, recycling more, and avoiding products with a lot of packaging, individuals should refrain from drinking bottled waters.
As for the glacial spring water from the roof of the world, I believe it is better left alone.
If we continue to slide toward what former US vice-President AI Gore calls the "tipping points", we'll have to cope with unbearable heat as glaciers further retreat and disappear. The source of the precious spring water will be gone before we know it.
fossil fuel 矿物燃料(如煤、石油、天然气等)
the cost of ... ……的成本
with this in mind 把这个记住
put more money into ... 对……投入更多资金
be available to all residents 所有居民都可以得到
rural area 农村地区
refrain from ... 避免,自制
as for 至于
slide toward 滑向
former US Vice-President 前任美国副总统
tipping point 临界点
consume v. 消费,消耗
retreat v. (被迫)退却,后退
source n. 源头;来源
unbearable adj. 无法忍受的
roof n. 顶部;最高处;屋顶
tap n. 水龙头
recycle v. 使再循环,再利用
ensure v. 确定,保证,担保
available adj. 可用的
individual n. 个体,个人
refrain v. 抑制,制止,忍住
slide v. 滑,滑落
president n. 总统,主席
disappear v. 消失
precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的
glacial adj. 冰川的,冰河的
glacier n. 冰川,冰河
production n. 生产
urban adj. 城市的
government n. 政府
resident n. 居民
rural adj. 农村的
addition n. 额外,另外
product n. 产品
package v. 包装
former adj. 以前的,前任的
vice adj. 副的
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