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2009-09-23 08:08:17

For most Chinese who love drinking hot tea, bottled water is either a convenience or a necessity. Often, they have no choice but to turn to bottle water, since tap water sources have been contaminated. Water is in short supply in some 110 urban areas in China.
It is is not surprising that bottled water consumption in China more than dobled between 2000 and 2005. Major bottled water companies now employ hundreds of thousands of technicians, workers and salespeople.
Howver, as China upgrades its drinking water standards and steps up efforts to clean up rivers and lakes, it should also put rules on the excessive growth in the bottled water business.
After all, the manufacture and shipping of bottled water has a bad impact on the environment and ecology.
Under extraction of natural or spring water to produce bottled water threatens local streams and groundwater. Plastic bottles, most of them not recycled, created unnatural waste.
drink hot tea 喝热茶
have no choice but to .. 别无选择只能……
turn to 转向
tap water 自来水
water source is contaminated 水源被污染
in short supply 供应短缺
urban area 城市地区
hundreds of thousands of  数十万
upgrade standard 更新标准
step up effort 加紧努力
clean up rivers 清洁河流
put rules on ... 对……制定法规
excessive growth 过度增长
have a bad impact on ... 对……有不利的影响
environment and ecology 环境和生态
spring water 泉水
consumption n. 消耗量;消耗
convenience n. 便利,方便
excessive adj. 过多的,极度的
source n. 源头,来源
threaten v. 威胁
extraction n. 提炼
spring n. 泉
groundwater n. 地下水
business n. 商业
necessity n. 需要,必需
choice n. 选择
tap n. 水龙头
contaminate v. 弄脏,污染
employ v. 使用,利用,雇用
technician n. 技术员, 技师
upgrade v. 是升级,提升
standard n. 标准
manufacture n. (大量)制造
ecology n. 生态学
stream n. 溪,川
recycle v. 使再循环,在利用
plastic adj. 塑料的
urban adj. 城市的
doubt v. 怀疑
salesperson n. 销售人员
effort n. 努力
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