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2009-09-22 16:55:28

While shopping at a supermarket near home, I was surprised to find bottled water from as far away as Tibet.
The price was four times that of other domestic brands, as the water comes from a glacial spring on the roof of the world that contains "trace elements and minerals good for people's health".
I don't doubt the profits the brand of precious glacier spring water generates for business managers and the jobs its production, transportation and distribution create.
Bottled water is one of the world's fastest-growing commercial drinks. The United States remains the largest consumer of the stuff, with some of the brands coming from distant corners of the world.
While US financial writer Charles Fishman claims in one of his recent articles that "bottled water [for Americans] is often simply an indulgence," many Chinese may not agree.
bottled water 瓶装水
shop at a supermarket 在超市购买
far away 遥远
domestic brand 国产品牌
glacial spring water 冰川泉水
the roof of the world 世界之巅
trace element  微量元素
good for health 对健康有益
generate profit 赚取利益
create job (opportunities) 创造就业(机会)
fastest-growing 增加最快的
commercial drink 商业饮料
the United States 美国
largest consumer 最大的消费者
distant corner 遥远的角落
financial writer 金融作家
distribution n. 分配;销售
element n. 元素
generate v. 发生;造成,引起
profit n. 利润
stuff n. 原料;物品
brand n. 品牌
Tibe n. 西藏
indulgence n. 放纵,纵容
spring n. 泉
supermarket n. 超市
roof n. 顶部;最高处;屋顶
contain v. 包含,含有
mineral n. 矿物,矿石
consumer n. 消费者
distant adj. 遥远的
financial adj. 金融的,财政的
claim v. 声称
precious adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的
domestic adj. 本国的,国内的
glacial adj. 冰川的,冰河的
trace n. 微量
glacier n. 冰川,冰河
production n. 生产
transportation n. 运输
commercial adj. 商业的
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