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2009-09-19 09:10:37

I put myself into work and received messages from Peter time and time again. He told me what he was doing and how he missed me. He always told me what a wonderful time he had with me and that I was on his mind all the time. He would work hard so that he could come back and try to win my heart. He said he respected me and would not steal my heart until he came to live here.
Peter's last day in China came. There was a farewell party but I didn't want to be there in case the parting would make me sad even if I was not sure I loved him. I went to see Peter for the last time. he tried to talk as much as usual to make me smile but soon he fell silent , I could just tell him to e-mail me or call me any time he wanted. When I left, his eyes turned red and wet.
I got his message on my way home:" I will always love you and I'm coming back to try and win your heart. I'll call you on Sunday nigh, Love, Peter."
put oneself into work 让自己投身进工作
time and time again 一次又一次
have a wonderful time 度过美好的时光
on one's mind 在某人的脑海里
farewall party 欢送派对
in case 以防万一
for the last time 最后一次
as usual 像平时一样
fall silent 沉默
eyes turn red and web 眼睛红了湿润了
farewell n. 告别,送别会
silent adj. 沉默的;寂静无声的
respect v. 尊敬;尊重
steal v. 偷
wet adj. 湿的
parting n. 分手,告别
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