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2009-09-19 15:12:07

Accountancy in London, banking in New York, and teaching English in Shanghai - these are the positions Dave Speakman has trie since graduating in 2004.
The 26-year-old is experiencing his "odyssey years" - a decade of changing jobs and meeting possible life partners before settling into a career.
This 20-something age-group has been studied by Willian Galston, a social scientist at the Brookings Institution in Washington. According to his new research, young people today live with their parents longer, get married later, and take seeral years to settle into a permanent life.
In 1960, 70 percent of American 30-year-olds had moved out of the parental home, married and become financially independent. By 2000, the figure was only 40 percent.
Today's graduates spend longer choosing a job and partner. They try out different skills or even works in different countries. Speakman, who has just moved back in with his parents in Enland, left his girlfriend behaind to go and work abroad.
"I wanted to take the opportunity of self-discovery, and find out what it was I really wanted from a job," he says.
"They [young people] expect their jobs to provide satifaction and they are unwilling to edure years subordination to rise slowly through the ranks," Galston explains.
marriage can wait 婚姻可以等一等
accountancy in London 在伦敦做会计
try different positions 尝试不同职位
graduate in 2004 在2004年毕业
experience "odyssey years" 经历“长期的漂泊”
life partner 生活伴侣
settle into a career 在一个职位上稳定下来
age-group 年龄群体
social scientist 社会科学家
live with one's parents 和父母住在一起
get married later 更晚结婚
move out of parental home 搬出父母家
financially independent 经济上独立的
choose a job 选择工作
try out different skills 尝试不同的技能
leave sb behind 把某人丢下
work abroad 在国外工作
take the opportunity 抓住机会
find out 找出
provide satisfaction 提供满足
be unwilling to endure 不愿意忍受
years of subordination 数年来位居低位
rise slowly through the ranks 慢慢在职位上往上爬
endure v. 忍受;容忍
permanent adj. 永久的;固定性的
settle v. 稳定下来
accountancy n. 会计工作, 会计的职位
odyssey n. 长期的漂泊;漫长历程
parental adj. 父母
unwilling adj. 不情愿的
subordination n. 部下,次级
career n. 职业生涯
social adj. 社会的
provide v. 提供
figure n. 数字
graduate v. 毕业
independent adj. 独立的
position n. 位置,职位
partner n. 配偶;搭档
rank n. 等级
satisfaction n. 满意,满足
research n. 研究,调查
experience v. 经历
financially adv. 财政上,金融上
graduate n. 毕业生;研究生
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
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