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2009-09-15 14:11:14

The reluctance to give up premarital freedom, the hesitation to share family responsibilities and the greater social acceptance of cohabitation are often cited as reasons fro delaying marriage. According to Xu Anqi, of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the economic pressure of setting up a family is also an important factor.
According to calcudations, from 1995 to 2007, the cost of getting married increased 7 times to 112,000 yuan. But the average disposable in come of people in urban areas in increased only 2.7 times to 11,759 yuan.
A down payment on  a self-purchased apartment accounts for half of the marriage expenses and owning your own home is now considered essential for starting a family. According to  a research conducted by and Horizon Research Consultancy Group released last week, while 79.4 percent suggest that "only when you own a house and you have a stable family can you think about having a baby."
the reluctance to do sth 对做某事的不情愿
give up premarital freedom 放弃婚前的自由
the hesitation to do sth. 对做某事的迟疑
share family responsibility 分担家庭责任
social acceptance of cohabitation 社会对同居的接受
be cited as reasons for .. 被引用为是……的原因
delay marriage  推辞婚姻
Academy of Social sciences 社会科学院
economic pressure 经济上的压力
set up a family 组建一个家庭
an important factor 一个重要的因素
according to calculations 根据推算
the cost of getting married 结婚的费用
increase 7 times 增长了7倍
average disposable income 平均的可支配收入
urban area 城市地区
down payment 定金
self-purchased apartment 自己购买的公寓
account for 占了
marriage expenses 结婚费用
conduct a research 进行一项研究
have a stable family 有一个稳定的家庭
acceptance n. 接受
delay v. 推迟
cohabitaition n. 同居
unmarried adj. 未婚的
reluctance n  勉强,不情愿
premarital adj. 婚前的
calculation n. 推测,估算
consultancy n. 咨询公司
disposable adj. 可任意处理的,可支配的
apartment n. 公寓
freedom n. 自由
hesitation n. 犹豫
share v. 分享
cite v. 引用,引证
purchase v. 购买
essential adj. 必要的,基本的
conduct v. 进行,展开
release v. 发行;发表
social adj. 社会的
marriage n. 婚姻,结婚
stable adj. 稳定的
income n. 收入
responsibility n. 责任
economic adj. 经济的
pressure n. 压力
factor n. 因素
average adj. 平均的
expense n. 费用,花费
research n. 研究, 调查
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