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2009-09-15 07:02:43

Most young Chinese grow up knowing "Everyone should get married when they reach a suitable age." However, when people reach that "suitable" age, they seem to forget the saying. Xu Yingtao is one of them.
Xu, 29, has a stablee career at a Beijing telecommunication company, a decent monthly income and a girlfriend who has cohabbited with hime for two years. But marriage is not the next thing on his list.
"Perhaps when I've saved 300,000 yuan, my wedding day will come," said Xu. "Righ now, I can't afford a two-room apartment in Beijing."
Like Xu, more young people are postponing marriage, said a recent report on Chinese youth by Renmin University. According to the report, 52 percent of Chinese aged between 15 and 29 were unmarried in 1995. In 2005, that number had increased to 66 percent. Over a 10-year period around 41 million more young Chinese over 29 remained single.
Traditionally, women over the age of 23 and men aged over 25 have been regarded as "behind schedule" when it comes to marriage. Nowadays, more people remain single even in their 30s.
high cost 高昂的费用
force us to wait 迫使我们等待
reach a suitable age 到了合适的年龄
forget the saying 忘记那种说法
have a stable career 有一个稳定的职业
telecommunication company 电信公司
decent monthly income 体面的月收入
cohabit with sb. 和某人同居
on his list 在他的单子上
wedding day 结婚的日子
a two-room apartment 两室的公寓
postpone marragee 推迟结婚
Chines youth 中国的年轻人
Chinese aged between 15 and 29  15到29的中国人
increase to  增长到
over a 10-year period 在10年的时间里
remain single 维持单身
be regarded as 被认为是
behind schedule 落后于进度,迟于预定时间
in one's 30s 在某人30多岁时
postpone v. 推迟
telecommunication n. 电信
cohabit v. 同居
unmarried adj. 未婚的
suitable adj. 合适的
career n. 职业生涯
decent adj. 体面的
afford v. 买得起,负担得起
apartment n. 公寓
million num. 百万
single adj. 单身的
schedule n. 时间表, 计划
marriage n. 婚姻,结婚
saying n. 谚语,说法
stable adj. 稳定的
income n. 收入
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