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2009-09-14 17:11:47

Don't forget we are now a major player in the New World Order. Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Lee An, John Woo, Jackie Chan have already made their presence felt in world cinemas. Every day, in every corner of the world, non-Chinese people are practicing "Tai Chi" and "Kung Fu". Sinology is a hot topic in major universities. And countless exaples... Endowed with such excellent traditions spanning more than 5000 years, we have abundant cultural resources to offer. If we have learnt a thing or two from our British friends in brand naming theirs as a "Cultural, Creative Industry", we can export ours to the entire world! So a new, reengineered cultural policy is the answer.
Finally, let's not forget: we university students are well educated to become the model for all to emulate. It's our responsibility to uphold our traditional values, To survival, but die for righteousness." This is no easy task, but it's our challenging, glorious fate.
Thank you.
a major player 重要角色
world order 世界秩序
in every corner 在各个角落
practice "Tai Chi" 练太极
a hot topic 热门议题
be endowed with ... 被赋予
span more than 5000 years 延绵5000多年
have ... to offer 有……可以提供
abundant cultural resources 丰富的文化资源
brand name  命名(一个品牌)
cultural, creative industry 文化创造型产业
reengineered cultural policy 重新考量的文化政策
emulate the model 仿效模范
uphold traditional values 维护传统的价值观
die for rightousness 为正义而亡
challenging fate 有挑战性的命运
export v. 出口
fate n. 命运
glorious adj. 光荣的
presence n. 出席,到场
value n. 价值,价值观
Confucius n. 孔子
uphold v. 维护,坚守
practice v. 练习
span v. 跨越
emulate v. 模仿,仿效
righteous adj. 正义的,正直的
traditional adj. 传统的
conutless adj. 无数的
endow v. 赋予
abundant adj. 充足的
creative adj. 创造性的,有创造力的
responsibility n. 责任
sinology n. 汉学
cultural adj. 文化的
resource n. 资源
policy n. 政策
righteousness n. 正直
challenging adj. 有挑战性的
survival n. 幸存,残存
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