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2009-09-14 07:07:49

For the sake of economic reconstruction, however, we are chasing big bucks and materialism is now the name of the game. A rapid growth in GDP is accompanied by worrying moral negligence. Loyalty, sincerity, modesty and filial piety might be cadences of the past. We have actually been losing our traditions not because of direct threats or attacks from others.
Globalization is only a catalyst. You may be buying McDonald's franchise and making a big fortune. But you don't know, at the same time, you are not only changing your kid's palate but also teaching your families not to cook and becoming slack in our time-honord culinary art.
My proposition is to adopt a more proactive approach: we can serve the ball. For Macdonaldization, we can offer "dimsumisation". To counter Disneyland, how about a "Chinese Opera Theme Park"?
for the sake of ... 处于……的原因
economic reconstruction 经济重建
chase big bucks 追逐大笔金钱
rapid growth in GDP 国内生产总值的快速增长
be accompanied by 伴随着
worring moral negligence 令人担忧的对道德的忽视
filial piety 孝道
cadences of the past 过时的调子
lose our tradition 失去我们的传统
direct threats or attacks 直接的威胁或攻击
buy franchise 购买特许经营权
McDonald 麦当劳
make a big fortune 大赚一笔
at the same time 同时
change sb's palate 改变某人的口味
become slack in .. 疏于
time-honored 历史悠久
culinary art 烹调艺术
My proposition is to ... 我的提议是……
adopt a proactive approach 采取更加主动的方法
serve the ball 先发制人
counter Disneylan 抗衡迪斯尼
Chines Opera 中华戏剧
theme park 主题公园
fortune n. 财富,财产
loyalty n. 忠诚
globalization n. 全球化
reconstruction n. 重建,重整
buck n. 美元
materialism n. 物质主义,实利主义
negligence n. 忽视
sincerity n. 真诚
modesty n. 谦逊
cadence n. 韵律,调子
financhise n. 特许经营权
palate n. 味觉,
culinary adj. 烹调的
approach n. 方法
economic adj. 经济的
chase v. 追赶
direc adj. 直接的
threat n. 威胁,恐吓
catalyst n. 催化剂
proposition n. 提议
adopt v. 采用
actually adv. 实际上,事实上
accompany v. 伴随,伴有
worrying adj. 令人烦恼的
filial adj. 子女的
piety n. 孝顺,孝敬
attack n. 攻击
slack adj. 懈怠的,疏忽的,马虎的
proactive adj. 提前反应的,积极的
counter v. 反击
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