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2009-09-12 11:33:32

Unlike the holocaust, the Nanjing Massacre did not leave stacks of records that document the suffering of ordinary people. Some of the most detailed accounts were made by Westerners who happened to be in the city at the time. By the time we realized how important it is to have people's experience in the archive, most of the survivors were no longer with us.
Any film thatt portrays the Nanjing Massacre has to rely on solid research. You cannot substitute that for imagination. It is a subject that has to be handled with the utmost care and respect. Without accuracy, it can easily fall into the  trap of sentimentalism.
There's the rub. a film-make has to throw himself into the story, yet he has to keep a certain datachment so that the characterization will be rich and subtle instead of being merely symbolic.
In this repspect, the Holocaust movies have shown the way. Schindler's List and The pianist are two examples that have had a huge impact on Chinese audiences.
unlike Holocaust 不像对犹太人的大屠杀
leave stack of records 留下大量的记录
the suffering of ordinary people 普通人民的苦难
detailed account 详细的报导
have ... in the archive 在档案里记录……
be no longer with us 已经离开我们了(去世了)
solid research 严密的调查
substitute A for B 用A代替B
be handled with utmost care 万分小心地被处理
fall into the trap 掉入陷阱
there's the rub 这就是障碍
film maker 电影制作者
throw oneself into the story 把自己投入进故事中
keep a certain detachment 保持一定的距离
in this respect 在这方面
Shindler's List 辛德勒的名单
have a huge impact on ... 对……有重大影响
Chines audienc 中国观众
research n. 调查
utmost adj. 最大程度上
massacre n. 大屠杀
stack n. 大量
suffering n. 苦难
account n. 详述,报导
archive n. 档案
survivor n. 幸存者
solid adj. 坚实的,理由充分的
rub n. 困难,障碍
detachment n. 超然,客观
subtle adj.微妙的,隐约的
unlike prep. 与……不同
detailed adj. 详细的
experience n. 经历
portray v. 描绘,描写
substitute vt. 代替
imagination n. 想象
accuracy n. 准确(性)
trap n. 圈套,陷阱
audience n. 听众,观众
document v. 为……提供文件(或证据等)
sentimentalism n. 感情用事的想法或表现
characterization n. 性格描述(剧本或故事中的)
symbolic adj. 象征性的
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