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2009-09-12 16:19:14

The challenge that faces filmmakers like Lu Chuan includes not only recreating the disturbing scenes of killing, but creating unforgettable characters whose humanity is tested by the circumstances. Most of all, the movie should retain realism, but not veer towards the deliberately horrific. For all the adversities, such a movie should celebrate the triumph of the human spirit.
Will we have an equivalent of Schindler's List among our new offerings? I certainly hope so. The event was so traumatic and dramaticit warrants many retellings. I hope everyone will come out a better person after watching such a movie.
scenes of killing 杀戮镜头
unforgettable character 无法忘怀的角色
humanity is tested 人性受到了考验
retain realism 保留现实主义
veer toward 转向
celebrate the triumph of ... 庆祝……的胜利
human spirit 人类精神
the equivalent of .. ……的同等品
I hope so 我希望是这样的
so traumatic and dramatic 太过伤痛和戏剧化
warrant many retellings 允许许多复述(被改编成书或电影电视)
come out a better person 变成一个更好的人
circumstance n. 情况
equivalent n. 相等物,等价物
retain v. 保持,保留,保有
triumph n. 胜利
challenge n. 挑战
scene n. 镜头 (电影、电视中的)
unforgettable adj. 难忘的
character n. 人物,角色(小说、戏剧等的)
humanity n. 人性
celebrate v. 庆祝
dramatic adj. 戏剧性的
warrant v. 授权给;批准
disturbing adj. 恼人的
realism n. 现实主义
veer v. 转向
deliberately adv. 故意地;蓄意地;
adversity n. 灾难;灾祸
traumatic adj. 创伤性的
retelling n. 复述
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