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2009-09-12 08:03:00

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking. As our memories go back to the darkest hour when unspeakable atrocities were committed by Japanese in vaders against Chinese civilians and soldiers, filmmakers are helping us preserve this piece of history.
Nanking, a US documentary made by Bill Guttentag and Dan sturman, premiered in China earlier this year. Several features are still in the making, including Children of Huangshi, Starting Chow Yun-fat, and Nanking ! Nanking ! directed by Lu chuan.
The first film that shone a spotlight on the incident was made in 1995. But its premise of having a Chinese husband and a Japanese wife in the foreground was just a bit too melodramatic.
One might assume that it should be easy to make a movie out of such a monumental event. But reality is a bit more complicated.
Nanjing massacre 南京大屠杀
mark the 70th anniversary 正好是70周年纪念
memories go back to ... 记忆回到...
commit unspeakable atrocities 犯下难以启齿的罪行
Japanese invader 日本侵略者
a US documentary 一部美国纪录片
be premiered in China 在中国首映
earlier this year 今年早些时候
in the making 在制作中
star sb 由……主演
be directed by sb 由……导演
shine spotlight on ... 把聚光灯投向……
in the foreground 在最突出的位置
a bit too melodramatic 有些太过戏剧化了
such a monumental event 这样一个有纪念意义的事件
massacre n. 大屠杀
atrocity n. 罪行
documentary n. 纪录片
premiere v. 首映
melodramatic adj. 过于戏剧性的
mark v. 标志
anniversary n. 周年纪念
memory n. 记忆
commit v. 犯(罪)
civilian n. 平民
incident n. 事件
premise n. 前提,假设
reality n. 现实
unspeakable adj 难以启齿的,难以形容的
invader n. 侵略者
preserve v. 保存
feature n. (电影)正片,故事片
star v. 主演
direct v. 导演
spotlight n. 聚光灯
monumental adj. 有纪念意义的
complicated adj. 复杂的
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