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2009-09-11 06:59:23

More recently, with the weak dollar, Europeans have descended on New York City, as have some Chinese tourists with their new-found wealth. With each wave of tourists, local resident have had a chance to observe the behavior of each of these groups and form judgments.
When we venture overseas, we should remember that our individual actions are being watched and judged. Though most of us are not as famous as our nation's Olympic athletes, our actions inevitably affect our nation's reputations. Like it or not, when we travel, we are all ambassadors.
new-found wealth 新增的财富
each wave fo tourists 每一波的游客
local residents 当地居民
have a chance to ... 有机会去……
observe sb's behavior 观察某人的行为
form judgment 形成判断
individual action 个人行为
be observed and judged 被观察和判断
Olympic athletes 奥运选手
inevitably affect 不可避免地影响
our nation's reputation 我们国家的声誉
like it or not 不管喜不喜欢
descend on 突然到来
wealth n. 财富,财产
judgment n. 判断
Olympic adj. 奥林匹克的
tourist n. 观光客,旅行者
wave n. 波,波浪
resident n. 居民
observe vt 观察,遵守
individual adj. 个人的,个体的
athlete n. 运动员
reputation n. 名誉,名声
ambassador n. 大使,使节
behavior n. 行为
European n. 欧洲人
descend v. 突然拜访(~on/upon)
venture v. 冒险,大胆行事
overseas adv. 在(或向)海外
inevitably adv. 不可避免地,必然地
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