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2009-09-10 14:24:27

Personally, I don't think it's a good idea for tourists to start jumping up and down on public art. As adults, we are pupposed to know better. On the other hand, the bull looks none the worse for wear, and we all know that large groups of people can become pretty feisty when they ar out having a good time. So let's agree to cut that group of Chinese tourists a little slack this time around.
The more important issue here is that of national image, as represented by groups of tourists. In the 1960s, when the US  dollar was strong, American tourists roamed the world's tourist spots. These "ugly Americans" were perceived as loud, rude and totally insensitive to local sensibilities. The 1980s saw a rise in the yen, and hords of Japanese tourists started flooding into Europe.
jump up and down 爬上爬下
public art 公共艺术品
as adult 作为成年人
be supposed to 应该
on the other hand 另外一方面
large groups of people 大批人
become pretty feisty 变得相当活跃
be out having a good time 在外面享受美好时光
cut sb. a little slack 对某人宽松点
this time around 这次
national image 国家形象
be represented by ... 被……代表
the US dollar 美元
tourist spot 旅游景点
be perceived as loud and rude 被认为是吵闹和粗鲁的
be insensitive to 对……不敏感,不顾及他人感受
the 1980s saw... 20世纪80年代见证了
a rise in the yen 日元的升值
hordes of Japanese tourists 一大群日本游客
flood into; flock to 涌入
image n. 形象
feisty adj. 活跃的
roam v. 游荡
insensitive adj. 不敏感的,不理会别人感受的
horde n. 大批
represent v. 代表
tourist n. 观光客,旅行者
personally adv. 就个人来说
adult n. 成人
flood v. 涌入
slack adj. 宽松的,不严格的
issue n. 问题
perceive v. 擦觉,感知
sensibility n. 感情
yen n. 日元(日本货币单位)
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