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2009-09-10 07:45:49

Recently, a group of Chinese tourists visited Manhattan's Financial District. They took a ride on the famous "charging bull", Wall Street's symbol of a bullish market.
If the Chinese anchorperson Wang Fang had not taken pictures of them, most of us would never be the wiser. However, China's cyberspace is full of netizens debating whether the tourists were on good behavior.
What's my American take on the situation? For the record, there seem to be no firm and fast rules about climbing onto that bull. Apparently, tourists do climb up on him from time to time. More often, visitors rub the bull's neck for good luck in the stock market. According to some, investors actually need to rub the bull's testicles before the luck actually kicks in. Clearly, there are different ideas circulating about tourist etiquette regarding the bull.
go abroad 出国
represent one's country 代表自己的国家
Chinese tourist 中国游客
Manhattan's Financial District 曼哈顿金融区
take a ride on .. 骑上……
charging bull 进攻的公牛
Wall Street 华尔街
bullish market; bull market 牛市
bear market 熊市
take pictures 照相
cyber space; cyberspace 网络空间
netizens debate .. 网民为……争论
on good behavior 行为良好
my American take on ... 我作为一个美国人对……的看法
firm and fast rules 确定的可靠的规定
climeb onto the bull 爬上公牛
from time to time 不时
rub the bull's neck 擦的颈部
good luck 好运
stock market 股市
good luck kicks in 好运到来
different ideas circulate 流传各种不同的说法
tourist etiquette 游客的行为礼节
circulate v. 传播,流传
debate v. 争论,辩论
rub v. 摩擦,擦
charge v. 进攻,冲锋
cberspace n. 网络空间
netizen n. 网民
testicle n. 睾丸
etiquette n. 礼仪,礼节
tourist n. 观光客,旅行者
financial adj. 金融的,财政的
district n. 区域
ride n. 骑
symbol n. 标志,象征
rule n. 规则
climb v. 爬
regarding prep. 关于
Manhattan n. 曼哈顿(纽约金融区)
anchorperson n. 主持人
behavior n. 行为
bull n. 公牛
apparently adv. 显然的,明显的
stock n. 股票
investor n. 投资人
actually adv. 实际上,事实上
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