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2009-09-04 19:54:25

General Electric, a US world leader in diversified industry, is on the 50 Best Employers List of ChinaHR. I talked with Jacqueline He, organization and staffing manager of GE China about how company policies attract qualified employees.
I: What are GE's advantages in attracting graduates?
He: GE is diversified company with job entries in a variety of fields, including engineering, healthcare and finance. So, we can draw talented people with many different backgrounds.
We give every new employee a long-term career plan. We let them start with an entry-level job and orient them to move higher to middle-level positions.
General Electric 通用电气
various backgounds 各种背景
world leader 世界领袖
diversified industry 多元化的产业
on the list 榜上有名
organization and staffing manager 机构和人事经理
attract qualified employees 吸引合格的雇员
advantages in ... 在……方面的优势
in a variey of fields 在各种领域
health care; healthcare 医疗保健
a long-term career plan 一个长期的职业计划
entry-level job 入门级的工作
orient sb. to / towards ... 使某人以……为方向(或目的)
middle-level positions 中层职位
policy n. 政策,方针
diversified adj. 多样化的
finance n. 财政,金融
talented adj. 有才干的
orient v. 以……为方向(或目的) (~to/towards)
entry n. 进入
industry n. 工业,产业
career n. 职业生涯
background n. 背景
attract v. 吸引
qualified adj. 有资格的,合格的
advantage  n. 优势
employer n. 雇主
organization n. 机构,组织
position n. 位置,职位
employee n. 雇员,职员
graduate n. 毕业生,研究生
manager n. 经理,主管
engineering n. 工程,工程学
draw v. 吸引;找来
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