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2009-09-05 09:24:08

I: What kind of training do you give? How much do you budget for that?
He: We do have some training programs and even a training center in Shangghai. We offer workshops on leadership or kills, but we place more emphasis on "on-the-job training". In addition, we have model workers whom the rest of employees can follow.
I: What are the characteristics of young employees? How have you adjusted HR policy to them?
He: We've carefully observed this generation of young employees. We're deeply impressed by their initiative and drive. They're energetic and imaginative. Many young people with an oversea education background have a broader scope than those born in the 1970s.
In adjusting to changes, we don't give them routine work. Instead, we give them challenging jobs than can trigger their interest and passion in work. We also link their salary to their performance through performance-based bonuses, and help them plan their career for the long term.
budget .. for the traing 为培训拨出……预算
training program 培训项目
training center 培训中心
offer workshops on ... 提供讨论会
place emphasis on ... 强调……
on-the-job training 工作岗位上的实践培训
in addition 另外
model worker 模仿员工
adjust HR policies 调整人力资源的政策
carefully observe 仔细观察
this generation of ... 这一代的……
be deeply impressed by ... 对……记忆深刻
initiative and drive 主动性和动力
energetic and imaginative 充满活力和想象力
overseas education background 留学背景
have a broader scope 眼界更广
routine work 日常工作
challenging job 有挑战性的工作
trigger interest and passion 激发兴趣和热情
link salary to performance 把薪水和表现联系起来
performance-based bonus 依据表现(配发的)红利
characteristic n. 特性
leadership n. 领导;领导才能
routine adj. 日常的,常规的
scope n. 眼界,见识
workshop n. 专题讨论会;专题研讨会
drive n.驱动力
challengling adj. 有挑战性的
training n. 培训
background n. 背景
budget v. 把……编入预算;按照预算来计划
skiil n. 技能,技巧
emphasis n. 强调
adjust v. 调整, 使……适于
obeserve vt.观察
impress v. 使有印象
initiative n 主动;第一步,首创精神
energetic adj. 精力旺盛的
imaginative adj. 有想象力的,富于想象的
trigger v. 触发,引起
link v. 连接;联系
bonus n.奖金,红利
performance n. 表现
generation n. 一代,一代人
employee n. 雇员,职员
passion n. 热情
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