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2009-09-04 07:33:47

According to a 2006 survey by recruitment website, the three most important ways students find jobs are through companies' campus talks (77.6 percent), job fairs (77.5 percent) and recruitment websites (68.1 percent).
Ren Zhanzhong, director of the university student career office at the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education, said fairs are "especially important for students from universities in small cities, where companies seldom tour."
But some employment experts say crowded fairs offer few opportunities for graduates to talk with potential employers.
"I weill not recommend students to go to the "supermarket" job fairs," said Chen, a staff member at the career office of Zhejiang Gongshang Univesity.
In 2003, Shanghai tried to fix the problem. They relaced large job fairs with "small, focused" job fairs, such as a job fair only for architecture majors.
"The more focused, the more efficient," said Chen. She gave an example of job fair that was for both university and vocational school graduates. Many university graduates in attendance, she said, felt "cheated".
Such discontent with job fairs has got both companies and students pushing for change.
job fair; recruitment fair 招聘会
recruitment website 招聘网站
director of the office 办公室主任
university student 大学生
offer few opportunitities 提供很少的机会
offer few opportunities 提供很少的机会
potential employer 潜在的雇主
recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事
a staff member 一位工作人员
fix the problem 解决问题
replace B with A  用A取代B
give an example of ... 举一个……的例子
vocational school 职业学校(职校)
in attendance 出席
feel cheated 感觉被骗了
discontent with job fairs 对招聘会的不满
push for change 推动变革
company's campus talks 公司校园宣讲会
focused adj. 有针对性的
director n. 主任,主管
discontent n. 不满
survey n. 调查,民意测试
career n. 职业生涯
municipal adj. 市的,市立的
especially adv. 格外,尤其
tour v.巡视
recommend v. 推荐
replace v. 取代,替代
architecture n. 建筑学
efficient adj. 效率高的
attendance n. 出席
push v. 推,推动
employer n. 雇主
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
expert n. 专家
major n. (大学专业的)主修学生
graduate n. 毕业生; 研究生
recruitment n. 招聘,招收
website n. 网站
campus n. 校园
commission n. 委员会;委任状
employment n.就业
crowded adj. 拥挤的
potential adj. 潜在的
vocational adj. 职业的
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