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2009-09-03 17:01:24

Right now, over 5 million students across the country are flocking to job fairs. They're looking for a job that can launch a promising career. Too many, however, are leaving the fairs feeling frustrated.
"I prepared 20 copies of my resume. For four hours, I jolted my way through the crowd and didn't find a position that appealed to me," said Sun Zhuyun, a senior economics major at Zhejiang Gongshang University.
Job fairs are a vital tool for graduates looking for work, but experts say they are fundamentally flawed. As a result, both companies and students are looking for ways to improve the job fair experience.
be unhappy with 不高兴
job fair; recruitment fair 招聘会
flock to jo fairs 涌入招聘会
look for a job  找工作
launch a promising career 开始一段有前途的职业
feel frustrated 感受挫折
prepare 20 copies of resume 准备了20份复印的简历
jolt one's way through ... 摇晃着走过
appeal to me  对我有吸引力
a senior economics major 一个大四经济学专业的学生
an architecture major 建筑专业的学生
a vital tool 至关重要的工具
fundamentally flawed 根本上存在问题
look for way to ... 寻找方法
fundamentally adv. 基本地,根本地
launch v. 开始,展开
flock v. 涌入
jolt v. 涌入
promising adj. 有希望的;有前途的
career n. 职业生涯
resume n. 简历,履历
appeal v. 有吸引力(~to)
vital adj. 至关重要的
tool n. 工具
flawed adj. 有缺点; 错误的
experience n. 经历,经验
position n. 职位,位置
expert n. 专家
million num. 百万
frustrated adj. 受挫折
senior n. 大四学生
economics n. 经济学
major n. (大学专业的)主修学生
graduate n. 毕业生;研究生
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