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2009-09-03 07:22:07

But Professor Xu Yulin, a human resources expert from Renmin University points out that policies for employee training and development "very greatly from one company to another". So promises of personal development should be thoroughly investigated.
"Career development opportunities can refer to opportunities for pomotion, increases in salary , personal satisfaction or even a sense of fulfillment from the job itself," he said.
Jacqueline He, an HR representativefrom GE, said her company combines "traning and development opportunities" togetther with payment in an "overall package."
"It's also a form of employee benefits in our view," He said. This " overall package" practice tends to be more widely applied by Western companies.
As a result, Xu advises prospective employees not to count on a general "career development" promise. Instead, they should ask HR managers to clearly explain their company's career development opportunities.
poin out
vary (greatly) from ... to ...  ……和……有很大的不同
be thoroughly investigated 被彻底调查
refer to 指的是
opportunitiy for promotion 升职的机会
increase in salary 薪水的增长
a sense og fufillment 成就感、满足感
General Electric 通用电气(GE)
together with 加上
overall package 整套薪资包(包括所有福利、培训和升职机会)
employee benefits 员工福利
be widely applied by...广泛地被……应用
as a result 结果是
prospective employee 未来的雇员
rely on ; count on 依靠,指望
clearly explain 清楚地解释
employee training 雇员培训
policies for development 关于发展的政策
payment n. 支付,支付的款项
policy n. 政策,方针
fulfillment n. 满足(感),成就(感)
training n. 培训
benefit n.津贴,福利
vary v. 变化,有不同
investigate v. 调查
representative n. 代表
combine vt. 结合
practice n. 常规,惯例
apply v. 应用
prospective adj. 预期的,未来的
career n. 职业生涯
promise n. 承诺
development n. 发展
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
professor n. 教授
expert n. 专家
employee n. 雇员,职员
promotion n. 升职
satisfaction n. 满意
view n. 看法,观点
widely adv 广泛地
explain v. 解释
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