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2009-09-02 21:56:38

"This trend shows that college students are getting more mature in their career planning," said wang Donghui at Beijing Dehan Consulting Agency. Wang's firm helps large enterprises and organizations develop their human resources policies.
"These students still care about the income, but they are looking more at the long-term benefits. If they do their job well, their salary could grow quickly even if the entry-level salary is very low," said wang.
"These students still care about the income, but they are looking more at the long-term benefits. If they do their job well, their salary cold grow quickly even if the entry-level salary is very now," said Wang.
That philosophy prompted 21-year-old Xiao Long, agraduate student from Anhui University, to reject an opportunity as an airhostess for a South Korean airline. The job would have paid her over 10,000 yuan per month. But it wouldn't have done much for her future development.
Instead, Xiao accepted management position in the Shanghai Electrics Industry. She'll earn just 3,000 yuan per month, but she said she believes she'll gain a world of future opportunities.
"Today's young people are growing up with a stronger sense of individuality. This generation of young people yearn for more self-realizaiton," Wang added. "that's why they value their personal growth and career development so much."
career planning 职业规划
get more mature 变得更加成熟
consulting agency 咨询公司
large enterprise 大型企业
care about income 在乎收入
long-term benefits 长期的利益
salary grows quickly 薪水快速增长
prompt sb. to do sth. 促使某人作某事
reject an opportunity 拒绝一个机会
a South Korean airline  一家韩国航空公司
develop human resource policies 发展人力资源(方面的)政策
a strong sense of individuality 很强的个性感
mature adj. 成熟的
philosophy n. 哲学;哲理;人生观
policy n. 政策,方针
prompt v. 促使;激励
trend n. 趋势
value v. 重视, 看重
individuality n. 个性
yearn v. 渴望
airline n. 航空公司
instead adv. 作为代替
management n. 管理
industry n. 工业,产业
development n. 发展
enterprise n. 企业,公司
organization n. 机构,组织
benefit n. 利益,好处
reject v. 拒绝
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
airhostess n. 空姐
position n. 位置,职位
generation n. 一代,一代人
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