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2009-09-01 21:43:44

According to the New York Times, women earning high salaries can also intimidate their male friends.
For the first time, women in their 20s who work full time in several American cities -New York, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis - are earning higher wages than men in the same age range. This is according to a recent study by Andrew Beveridge, a sociology professor at Queens College in New York.
The new income superiority of young women is bringing them "forms of hostility they weren't prepared to meet", Beveridge told the New York Times.
This has caused some women to try to protect the egos of dates who make less money. They do so by choosing not to leave their shopping bags sitting in the open around their apatment. They also avoid talking about their business achievements, according to the report.
earn high salary / income 赚到高收入
intimidate their male friends 吓退他们的男性朋友
for the first time 第一次
work full time 做全职工作
work part time 做兼职工作
in the same age range 在同一个年龄段
a sociology professor 一个社会学教授
income superiority 收入上的优越感
be prepared to meet hostility 准备好遇到敌意
protect the egos of dates 保护约会对象的自尊心
leave ... in the open 把 ……打开
avoid doing sth 避免
business achievements 事业上的成就
male adj. 男性的
salary n. 薪水
intimidate v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫
sociology n. 社会学
superiority n. 优越(性),优势
ego n. 自尊心;自负
apartment n. 公寓
professor n. 教授
Chicago n. 芝加哥(美国城市名)
Boston n. 波士顿(美国城市名)
Minneapolis n. 明尼阿波利斯市(美国明尼苏达州)
wage n. 薪水,报酬
income n. 收入
hosility n. 敌意,敌视
achievement n. 成就
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