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2009-09-01 07:42:42

This perceived bias by some men against strong, successful women extends to other parts of social life, including politics. For instance, Hillary Clinton must face these perceptions as presidential candidate.
The former First Lady appears in public wearing business suits and talking about national and international issues with a lawyer's cool mind and sharp tongue.
However, while her rival Barack Obama gets "fired up", in the words of his fall campaingn slogan, Hillary is careful to remain calm. She often says that she likes the kitchen, perhaps knowing that some may be uncomfortable electing a strong female president who doesn't exhibit at least some of the moe traditional "female" traits.
the perceived bias 可以感受到得偏好
extend to 扩展
other parts of social life 社会生活的其他部分
for instance 举例来说
presidential candidate 总统候选人
former First Lady 前第一夫人
in public 在公众面前
wear business suits 身穿职业套装
a cool mind 冷静的思维
sharp tongue 犀利的口才
fall campaign slogan 秋天的竞选口号
remain calm 保持冷静
be uncomfotable with ... 对……感到不舒服
elect a female president 选举一位女性总统
traditional female traits 传统的女性特质
calm adj. 冷静的,平静的
exhibit v. 显示
extend v. 扩展;扩大
perception n. 感觉
former adj. 以前的,前任的
female adj. 女性的
bias n. 偏见;偏好
successful adj. 成功的
social adj. 社会的
international adj. 国际的
lawyer n. 律师
sharp adj. 敏锐的,精明的
tongue n. 舌头;口才
slogan n. 标语,口号
uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的
traditional adj. 传统的
trait n. 特质, 特性
politics n. 政治学的
issue n. 问题;争论,争议
candidate n. 候选人
rival n. 对手
campaign n. 竞选活动
elect v. 选举
president n. 总统
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