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2009-08-31 22:02:04

In an episode of Sex and the City, Miranda goes speed-dating, only to discover that her law career is turn-off to the guys. When she says she's a flight attendant, however, suddenly she becomes an object of their fantasies.
This story is just fiction, but a recent survey suggests that its premise might be on target.
Ray Fisman, a Columbia University economics professor, conducted a two-year study on Americans' dating preferences. He ran a speed-dating experiment at a local bar near campus.
" Men preferred women whom they rated as smarter, but only up to a point," Fisman told the New York Times. "It turns out that men avoided women whom they perceived to be smarter than themselves. The same held true for measures of career ambition: A woman could be ambitious, just not more ambitious than the man considering her for a date."
speed dating: Speed dating is a formalized matchmaking process or dating system whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people.
in an episode of .. 在……(电视剧)的一集里
Sex and the City 欲望都市
speed dating 快速约会
her law career 她的律师职业
be a turn-off to the guys 使男士失去兴趣
fight attendant 空中乘务员
an object of their fantasies 他们幻想的对象
a rencent survey suggests 一项最近的调查显示
be on target 正中要害
Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学
economics professor 经济学教授
conduct a two-year study 进行一项为期两年的研究
dating preference 约会的偏好
run an experiment 开展一个实验
rate a woman as smarter 评价一个女性是比较聪明的
only up to a point 只能达到某一点
the New York Times 纽约时报
the same holds true for ... 对……也是这样的
career ambition 事业心
consider sb. for a date 考虑和某人约会
campus n. 校园,学校场地
perceive v. 觉察,发觉
ambitious adj. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的
career n. 职业生涯
episode n.  (电视等的)连续剧的一集
fantasy n. 幻想,白日梦
fiction n. 小说, 虚构
survey n. 调查, 民意调查
premise n. 前提;假设
economics n. 经济学
conduct v. 进行,展开
measure n. (判断等的)基准,尺度
professor n. 教授
preference n. 偏好,偏爱
rate v. 评估,评价
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