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2009-08-29 10:00:52

a difficult job for Japanese women 3
Actually, the burden of such long hours pushes more than half of all career-minded women to quit by their early 30s. Others simply choose to remain single.
Women's rights advocates say that the realities of Japan's shrinking population are slowly forcing change.
Some estimate that about a quarter of career-track hires in recent years have been women. Some companies are taking small steps to nurture more female managers.
"Birthrates here are declining because of a lack of equality for women," said Inoguchi. "The population shortage is forcing a change in attitudes."
career-minded women  有职业头脑的女性
quit job 辞职
remain single  维持单身
women's rights advocate 女性权利倡导者
shrinkin populaton 萎缩的人口
take steps 采取措施
nurture female managers 培养女性经理
the birthrate is declining 生育率正在下降
equality for women 对女性的平等
force a change in attitudes 迫使态度上的转变
burden n. 重负,重担
equality n. 平等
population n. 人口;全体居民
push v. 逼迫;促使
force v. 强制,促使
single adj. 单身的
reality n. 现实
hire n. 雇用
shortage n. 不足,缺少
estimate vt. 估计
quit v. [口]辞职
advocate n. 倡导者;拥护者
decline v. 下降
female adj. 女性的
shrinking adj. 萎缩的
nurture v. 培育
manager n. 经理,主管
birthrate n. 出生率
attitude n. 态度
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