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2009-08-29 17:11:49

Zhang Xiaojian, a vice-minister for labor and social security, has said that the new Employment Promotion Law, coming into effect in early 2008, will introduce new measures to root out discrimination against women in employment.
Zhang siad that the law will specifically stipulate which jobs are not suitable for women, which means all other jobs should provide equal opportunities for male and female applicants. Many media commentators welcomed the announcement, pointing out that China has so far lacked specific, executable rules to stamp out gender discrimination. They noted that many employers have resorted to "hidden" discrimination. Employers have denied women job opportunities, using excuses link "this job is too labor-intensive or dangerous for women." The new law will make sure such excuses are outlawed, they say.
Critics, however, argue that simply listing all jobs women are not suitable for won't necessarily end discrimination. Tougher law enforcement and harder punishments for those who discriminate are needed to treat the problem, they say.
Do you think this new law will be effective in reducing discrimination against women at work?
vice-minister 副部长
labor adn social security 劳动和社会保障
Employment Promotion Law 就业促进法
come int effect 开始生效
introduce new measures  引入新的措施
root out 消除
in employment 就业中
specifically stipulate 特别规定
not suitable for women 不适合妇女
provide equal opportunities 提供平等的机会
media commentator 媒体评论员
so far 至今为止
lack executable rules 缺少可以执行的法规
stamp out = root out  消除
resort to 寻求 采取
hidden discrimination "隐性" 歧视
deny women job opportunities 拒绝给妇女工作机会
use excuses 使用借口
make sure = ensure 保证
such excuses are outlawed 这样的借口是不合法的
simply list 简单地列举
will not necessarily 不会必然地
end discrimination 结束歧视
tougher law enforcement 更强硬的执法
harder punishment for 对……更严厉的惩罚
critic n. 评论家,批评家
employer n.雇主
introduce v. 引进
minister n. 部长
opportunity n. 机会,机遇
specific adj. 特定的;具体的
gender n. 性别
discrimination n. 歧视
equal adj. 平等的
security n. 安全;保障
measure n. 方法,措施
discrimination v. 歧视
specifically adv. 特定地,明确的
suitable adj. 合适的
provide v. 提供
male adj. 男性的
female adj. 女性的
applicant n. 求职者;申请人
media n. 媒体
welcome v. 欢迎
announcement n. 公告,告知
deny v. 否认;拒绝给予
tough adj. 严格的
effective adj. 有效的
punishment n. 惩罚
executable adj. 可执行的
commentator n. 评论员
social adj. 社会的
note v. 提到;指明
employment n. 就业
promotion n. 促进
stipulate v. 规定
rule n. 规则; 章程
resort v. 诉诸 [~ to]
excuse n. 借口;理由
outlaw v. 宣布……为不合法
list v. 列举
enforcement n. 实施;执行
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