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2009-08-28 10:33:46

adifficult job for Japanese women 2
Many employees are expected to work from morning to midnight.
Government statistics show that many women drop out of management-track jobs when they reach their late 20s and early 30s.
This is around the time they start having children.
"If expected to work 15 hours a day, then most women will give up,"said Kuniko Inoguchi, a former cabinet minister in charge of gender equality issues." Japan is losing half of its brainpower as it faces a labor shortage." Even in cases of strong discrimination, lawsuits remain rare because of a culture dislike for legal cases.
Another big problem is that Japan's equal opportunity law is essentially toothless. The worst that the Labor Ministry can do is to threaten to publish the names of violators, and the ministry has never done that.
work from morning to midnight  从早晨工作到半夜
drop out of 退出
management-track job 管理层工作
former cabinet minister 前内阁部长
in charge of 负责
gender equality issues 性别平等的事物
face a labor shortage 面临劳动力短缺
legal case 法律案件
the law is toothless 这个法律没有实际的威慑力
Labor Ministry
publish the names of violators 公布违反者的名字
cabinet n. 内阁
equality n. 平等
minister n. 部长
ministry n. (政府的)部
gender n. 性别
discrimination n. 歧视
brainpower n. 脑力
lawsuit n. 诉讼,官司
toothless adj. 没牙的,没有威慑力的
publish v. 出版,公布
former adj. 以前的,前任的
dislike n. 不喜爱,厌恶
employee n. 雇员,职员
government n. 政府
issue n. 问题; 争论,争议
statistics n. 统计; 统计资料
essentially adv.  实质上的
threaten v. 威胁
violator n. 违背者; 侵犯者
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