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2009-08-27 16:04:38

A difficult job for Japanese women 1
Yukako Kurose, a Tokyo department store employee, was passed over for promotions after she started leaving work before 6:30 pm to pick up her daughter from day care. Later, she was pushed into a dead-end clerical job. Finally, she quit.
"Japanese work customs make it almost impossible for women to have both a family and a career," said Kurose, 45, who now works for a plastic company.
In Japan, a woman's promising career often comes to an end after she gives birth to a baby.
Since the Equal Employment Opportunity Law was passed in 1985 in Japan, women have become a common sight in work places. But they have had much less success reaching positions of authority.
Experts on women's issues say prejudice is only part of Japan's problem. An even bigger barrier to the advancement of women is the nation's notoriously demanding corporate culture.
balance family life and career  平衡家庭生活和事业
department store 百货商店
be passed over for promotion 错过升职(并被资历比你浅的人超过)
leave work 下班
day care 日托
Japanese work customs 日本的工作惯例
make it almost impossible 使……基本不可能
work for a plastic company  为一家塑料公司工作
a promising career 有前途的职业
come to an end 走到了尽头
give birth to a baby 生孩子
pass a law 通过一项法律
reach positions of authority 坐到高层的职位
experts on women's issues 妇女问题专家
the barrier to ..  的障碍
corporate culture 企业文化
barrier n. 障碍
opportunity n. 机会, 机遇
prejudice n. 偏见,成见
equal adj. 平等的
dead-end  adj. 没有前途的,死胡同的
promotion n. 升职
clerical adj. 文员的
advancement n. 晋升;进步
demanding adj. 耗费精力的,苛刻的
culture n. 文化
custom n. 习惯,风俗
plastic n. 塑料
impossible adj. 不可能
employee n. 雇员, 职员
expert n. 专家
authority n. 权力,权威
quit v. [口]辞职
corporate n. 企业,公司
promising adj. 有希望
issue n. 问题; 争论, 争议
notoriously adv. 臭名昭著地,声名狼藉的
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