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2009-08-27 00:20:50

Future Success
A new survey by the Southwest University of Politics and Laws on the employment of female students indicated 70 percent of girls suffered from gender discrimination. Most people said that companies limit their chances of marrying or having babies.
Despite the fear of discrimination, China Talent CEO Frank Mulligan suggests women should concentrate on translating their paper skills into an ability to communicate at work.
He says:" The top women are flexible and willing to ask questions about how things different companies work. They have the empathy that men tend no to have. That's what foreign companies are looking for."
And there is a reason for women to be hopelful. In 2005, there were 118 boys to every 100 girls born in China, a fact Frank Mulligan sees as being hugely important. He says:"Women will be incredibly in demand. We need a balance in the workplace and companies will have to fight for women. It's already happening."
gender discrimination 性别歧视
a new survey 一个新的调查
limit one's chance 使某人的机会受到限制
marry and have habies 结婚生子
in demand 有需求
fight for female employees 争夺女性雇员
limit v. 限制
gender n. 性别
discrimination n. 歧视
empathy n. 情感上的共鸣
communicate v. 沟通, 交流思想
translate v. 转化, 转变
despite prep. 不管,尽管
flexible adj. 可变通的; 灵活的;易适应的
hopeful adj. 有希望的
success n. 成功
female adj. 女性的
survey n. 调查,民意测试
politics n. 政治学
employment n. 就业
indicate v. 指出; 表明
concentrae v. 全神贯注; 全力以赴[~on / upon]
willing adj. 愿意的,乐意的
incredibly adv. 难以置信地;极为
balance n. 平衡
workplace n. 工作场所
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