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2009-08-26 15:06:13

Problems at Work
"University exams tend to be based on memory, and this favors girls. Most girls work hard listening in classes and take notes, but things like sport distract boys - they do not focus on their studies," says Chen Zengtang, a psychology professor at Shanghai's Tongji University.
But success on paper does not necessarily translate into a successful career. At the last census in 2000, Chinese women comprised 45 percent of the workforce and earned 80 percent of the income of men.
The white paper, "Gender Diversity and Women's Development in China", also notes that women owners of SMEs account for only about 20 percent of China's entrepreneurs.
So Why dose this disparity exist?
Professor Chen suggests it is because women lack a well-rounded set of skills. He also notes that men mature later than women, so they become ambitious around age 26 or 27, exactly the time women turn their attention to starting a family.
But a recent report based on interviews with business-women by professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) suggests that the main thing women need to succeed is a bit more self-belief.
It says:"The message from the interviewees was that women need to be more confident. They said strength of mind is the most important factor in a woman's ability to succeed in the workforce."
The report also claims China's one-child policy enables women to have a "mannageable home life while still being able to advance their careers".
But it is simply too easy to say discrimination does not exist and it is women's lack of ambition that holds them back. The PWC report only interviewed successful women who work for large companies and their views are not necessarily reflective of China as a whole.
tend to  倾向于
take notes 记笔记
distract boys 使男孩分心
focus on studies 专注于学习
psychology professor 心理学教授
success on pa paper 考试上的成功
not necessarily 并不必然地
translate into 转变成
paper skills 书本上技能
national population census 全国人口普查
earn an income 赚取收入
income disparity 收入不平衡
small-and-medium-sized enterprises 中小企业
well-rounded 全面发展的
a set of skills 一套技能
become ambitious 变得有进取心的
around age 26 or 27 在26、27岁左右
turn one's attention to 把注意力转向……
career woman 职业女性
professional service company 专业服务公司
self-belief 自己的信念
strength of mind 头脑的力量
the most important factor 最重要的因素
the only child 独生子女
one-child policy  独生子女政策
family / home life 家庭生活
develop / advance one's career 发展事业
lack ambition 缺乏雄心壮志
hold sb. back 拖某人后腿
be reflective of ... 反映
as a whole 作为一个整体
advance v. 进步;提高
comprise v. 包含,包括,构成
development n. 发展
factor n. 因素
mature v. 是成熟
gender n. 性别
discrimination n. 歧视
favor v. 有利于
psychology n. 心理,心理学
workforce n. 劳动力
reflective adj 反映的[~ of ]
ambitious adj. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的
enable v. 是能够
attention n. 注意力
exist v. 存在
memory n. 记忆
translate v. 转化,转变
proffessional adj. 职业的,专业的
confident adj. 自信的
interview n. (记者的) 采访,访谈;面试
interviewee n. 被采访者;被接见者
census n. 人口普查
distract v. 使分心
entrepreneur n. 企业家
career n. 职业生涯
success n. 成功
successful adj. 成功的
professor n. 教授
necessarily adv. 必定; 必然地
diversity n. 多样性
note n. 笔记
note v. 提到;指明
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