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2009-08-25 14:32:17

For months, Americans have been salivating over the features of Apple's new iPhone. Video, music, e-mail, web-browsing, photos - all on a touch-screen phone that runs the company's OS X operating system. However, one feature that was not advertised is the built-in social status that comes with owning the phone.
The New York Times tech reviewer David Pogue called the iPhone "one heck of a status symbol". PC Magazine echoed, predicting that "in every short order, the iPhone will become the ultimate cellphone status symbol."
In China, mobile phones come in all shapes, sizes and technologies. But in the US mobile phone markets, service providers usually only offer a limited number of phones to their customers. Those looking to buy unique or advanced models often have to buy phones from Asia.
salivate over ... 对……垂涎三尺
browse the webpage 浏览网页
operating system 操作系统
built-in 内置的
social status 社会地位
the New York Times 纽约时报
tech reviewer 科技评论员
status symbol 地位的象征
service provider 服务提供商
buy unique or advanced models 买特别或最新的机型
touch-screen 触摸屏
Asia n. 亚洲
status n. 地位, 身份
ultimate adj. 最终的
salivate v. 流口水
feature n. 特征, 特色
advertise v. 登广告
social adj. 社会的
predict v. 预言, 预测
shape  n. 形状
technology n. 科技
cellphone n. 手机
tech n. = technology 科技
heck  interj. 表示诅咒、恼怒、厌烦等,hell 的委婉语
symbol n. 象征
echo v. 附和; 重复
limited adj. 有限的
customer n. 顾客
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